Main Monthly Meeting
Presentation + Q&A with Steven Pheterson, Esq.
Are you interested in strengthening your knowledge and keeping up-to-date with real estate law and regulations? You won’t want to miss the upcoming meeting in May! As a property owner, alternative investor or landlord, it’s imperative to keep informed with any current legislation.
Things can change quickly and often as we’ve seen in the last year. As property investors, we want to make sure that we keep up with new data. As an organization, we want to provide access to key resources for our members and this meeting will deliver important information you need!
Stay-tuned and mark May 14th in your calendar as FFREIA’s attorney, Steven J. Pheterson, Esq. brings his knowledge on real estate legislation to the table. He’ll address these current topics so be sure to bring your questions as he’ll hold a Q&A session after to answer any inquiries.<